Unclaimed funds recovery specialists

We are JDE Funding Group. Your pathway to reclaiming lost government funds.


Received a call from Us?

If your answer is YES, then we have found money that belong to YOU and/or YOUR RELATIVE. JDE Funding Group does not loan money but in fact FINDS money that belongs to people like yourself by auditing government agencies for lost checks, insurance claims, CD’s Savings and checking accounts, securities and the like. These lost accounts may belong to you, a relative or a lost loved one. You may be the beneficiary of thousands of dollars.
Take a minute and give us a call or schedule a call back to find out how wen can assist you in can claiming these funds.
There is an expiration date for which these funds can be claimed, so call now!


What we Do

At JDE Funding Group, we specialize in locating and recovering unclaimed funds for individuals and businesses, offering personalized assistance every step of the way. Our dedicated team utilizes cutting-edge techniques and industry expertise to ensure you receive what’s rightfully yours.

3 Easy Steps

1. Give us a call back.
2. Grant us permission to claim on your behalf through a virtual signing process.
3. Funds come to you directly to you. Cash your check!
It’s that easy!!!

What to expect

Zero upfront fees: we handle all the paperwork and legwork required to apply for your funds, with absolutely no upfront costs ever.

No Win, No Fee: You only pay us a consulting fee if and when you receive your funds; if not, there’s no obligation to pay us anything.

Risk-Free: With nothing to lose and everything to gain, our services come with no risk to you.

Confidentiality Assured: We use only publicly available information and never share your details with anyone.

Legal and Trusted: Our practices, backed by decades of experience, are completely legal and ethical.

Time-Sensitive: Don’t let time slip away – act now to claim your funds before it’s too late.

Professional and Efficient Service: We guarantee a smooth and efficient process, keeping you informed every step of the way.

Expertise at Your Service: Put our knowledge, skills, and experience to work for you – call us today to get started!

Always On your case

We have a dedicated team member always specifically assigned to work on your case.

Hard Working​

Our team promises to put in all their effort to get you paid

24/7 Availability​

We are available to speak with you 24/7.​


What Our Clients Say?​

Request A call​

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Select Category
Select Service
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Duration: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}

Price: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}

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Date & Time
Time Slot
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Basic Details

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Your appointment booking summary

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{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_firstname }} {{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_lastname }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.customer_email }}
{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_name}}
Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_service_price }}
There is no payment method available.
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Pay Locally


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